‘John Eales Reveals: The Haka’, a one-hour documentary hosted by Wallaby legend John Eales, has been nominated for an Australian Sports Commission award.
The documentary, produced by Mint Pictures for the Discovery Network, was selected as a finalist in the ‘Best Profiling of an Athlete, Team or Coach’ category for the annual sports awards.
‘The Haka’, which aired on August 20, follows Eales on his road to redemption two decades after he led the Wallabies in snubbing the All Blacks Haka, the greatest pre-match ritual in world sport.
‘The Haka’ is up against a Fox Footy documentary as well as one by Fox Sports, as well as a documentary about the Western Bulldogs’ 2016 AFL premiership victory.
The winner will be announced at an awards ceremony in Sydney in February 2018.
Mint won an ASC award in 2015 for ‘Pitch Battle’, a one-hour documentary for ABC on the Palestinian football team’s maiden voyage to Australia for the 2015 Asian Cup.